Partnerships and projects.

Current partnerships and projects.

Lind Foundation creates actual and measurable change by improving the lives of those of us who are disadvantaged. We dare to dream and then we make it happen in close partnerships with the organisations, foundations, and social entrepreneurs, we work with.


Lind Foundation supports UNICEF and in particular the Skills4Girls programme in Mauritania. The Skills4Girls programme train out-of-school girls in life skills, literacy and numeracy, vocational training, and entrepreneurship, leveraging newfound skills and confidence. 

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We are proud to partner with GRÅK and FGU to launch ‘Strength and Balance’ — a new selection course now available at 13 FGU schools. This new initiative is designed to enhance students’ physical, mental, and social wellbeing through a blend of movement and life skills.

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The Aarhus-based nonprofit organisation was founded in 2014 with the aim of rethinking social work. Fundamentet focuses on the well-being of youth through close dialogue with strong and trusted relationships and considering individual needs.

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Gallo Kriserådgivning.

Gallo Kriserådgivning (English: Gallo Crisis Counselling) is a nonprofit organisation located in Aarhus. Gallo Kriserådgivning volunteers to help and support socially vulnerable citizens and offers free, anonymous counselling to everyone in the need of it.

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WAWCAS – Women at Work, Children at School – is an entrepreneurship-training programme that empowers extremely poor women and their families and helps them achieve personal, social, and economic change through education.

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LittleBigHelp is an NGO established in 2010 to create better opportunities for vulnerable children and women in West Bengal, India. We support the projects: Boys’ Home and Girls’ Home.

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HackYourFuture is a non-profit coding school that helps refugees, immigrants, and asylum seekers with limited access to education and the labour market in acquiring the necessary skills to become web developers and entering a very in-demand field.

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Hand in Hand.

Hand in Hand is an international network of NGOs fighting poverty through entrepreneurship training and job creation in India, Asia, and Southern and Eastern Africa. Through Hand in Hand Sweden, we’re currently part of a project in Kenya.

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One Acre Fund.

One Acre Fund is an agricultural service provider that supports Africa’s farmers to build resilient communities. Through, One Acre Fund, we help train farmers in Malawi, providing farmers with the knowledge and means to achieve bigger harvests, healthier families and cultivate rich soils.

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Project Ungebudgetter (Youth Budgets) is a project that tests a different employment effort in the public sector on a target group of long-term jobless people from the age of 18 to 29.

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HF Fundamentet.

Developed by Fundamentet and Aarhus HF & VUC, HF Fundamentet supports young people with psychological challenges such as anxiety, depression, and loneliness to not only enrol in but successfully complete secondary education.

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FlexFabrikken is an innovative Danish agency with the aim of boosting readiness for the job market, matching people with relevant jobs and creating better conditions for people out of employment for longer periods.

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‘Fundabolig’ is a partnership between AL2bolig, Fundamentet and Lind Foundation, with the aim of creating access to affordable housing for young people living with homelessness, establishing a supportive network to help them into education and employment.

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Through ‘UNIK’ an initiative with no time constraints, young people can access help for free. Børn og Unges Trivsel offers a range of activities, providing young people with extended support to handle daily challenges and achieve social resilience as they transition into adulthood.

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UngiFokus aims to help young, disadvantaged unemployed people by lowering youth counsellors’ caseload. By doing so, the young people receive a more concentrated guidance and a broader range of opportunities to help increase the employment and education rate as well as the young people’s overall well-being.

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ReDI School.

ReDI School is a non-profit IT school for women with refugee and migrant backgrounds, providing access to free digital education and helping women into employment. The goal is to provide students with useful knowledge that is needed in the industry to support their accelerated integration into the Danish labor market and society.

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Where Rainbows Meet.

Where Rainbows Meet was established in 2008 as a nonprofit training and development organisation located in one of Cape Town’s slum areas, the so-called townships, helping and advising both children, youth, and adults.

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Educate! tackles youth unemployment by partnering with young people, schools, and governments to deliver solutions that equip youths in East Africa with the skills to start their own businesses, acquire a decent pay to thrive in the labor market — and become drivers of positive change and development in their communities.

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Talents of Tomorrow.

Talents of Tomorrow is a unique competency development programme aimed at establishing and maintaining part-time jobs. The project is developed and operated in a partnership between Randers FC, Bysekretariatet, Ungdommens Uddannelsesvejledning Randers and Randers Ungdomsskole.

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Talents United.

Talents United is an innovative project together with Randers FC and Randers aiming at bringing parents outside employment back into employment by leveraging the experiences from the current spare time job initiative at Randers FC.

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Associations and alliances.

Through collaboration and alliances, we believe that we can create the actual systemic change that will truly move social change makers forward.

Fondenes Videnscenter.

Fondenes Videnscenter is created to strengthen knowledge sharing and collaboration between philanthropic foundations and associations in Denmark, connecting people and contributing with insights, conferences, debates, and networks.

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Hjem til Alle alliancen.

Hjem til Alle alliancen works to stop homelessness — and has done a lot of work to gather municipalities, organisations, foundations, and social institutions in Denmark around an evidence-based approach to ​​homelessness.

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Contact Lind Foundation.

We partner with a wide range of organisations, public institutions, and social entrepreneurs to realise human potential through donations and change programmes. Our dedicated team sources eligible projects but is always open to learning more about yours. Reach out for more information or consult our approach and selection criteria.